There have been a lot of exciting changes happening at The Sign Studio recently. Chief among them is our purchases of new equipment. In the previous two blogs, we discussed our new laser engraver and the plaques and awards we can create with it. Today, we are going to look at our new sign router, the Vision Series 4 Controller, and how it is perfect for creating routed signs for Los Angeles.
What Is a Sign Router?
A router is a tool that is used to hollow out an area in a piece of metal, plastic, or wood. It is most often used for decorative moldings, sign making, and cabinetry, and it can be used to cut fancy patterns, grooves, and edges. A router consists of an electric motor-driven spindle. The router can be used for an array of projects when a router bit is used. Many consider the router to be one of the most versatile tools available.
Now that we have defined what a router is, we should probably let you know that the Vision Series 4 Controller is not exactly a router, but it is essentially the same thing. It is known as a rotary engraver. Like a router, it utilizes a rotating cutter or tool in a motorized spindle. And, it is used to produce cuts of specified depths and widths in a broad range of materials.
What Is Vision Engraving & Routing Systems?
The Vision Series 4 Controller comes from Vision Engraving & Routing Systems. They have been manufacturing computerized marking systems and accessories for over three decades. They have a reputation for producing top-quality, long-lasting CNC routers and engravers. An experienced team manufactures these machines in Phoenix, Arizona.
The new Vision Series 4 Controllers allows us to use next-generation technology to more precisely route your signs. With this device, we can engrave up to ten inches per second. This makes it so we can produce your custom shaped signs on a tighter timeline. It also comes with a wide selection of software programs that help our technicians to perfectly map out what your new sign will look like.
With our Vision Series 4 Controller, we can engrave and route a variety of materials. Some of the applications include:
- Tag engraving
- Plastic engraving
- ADA Braille signs
- Parts marking
- Pens
- Control panels
- Metal engraving
- Wood engraving
- Badge engraving
- Plaques and trophies
- Medals
- Sign making
- And much more!
Are you unsure about whether this new tool will be right for your project? No problem! Determining what equipment is right for your project is our job. When you contact The Sign Studio, we listen closely to your signage needs. We then make recommendations based on your budget, vision, and venue. Once you approve of the proofs that we supply you with, we get down to work. Our new equipment will allow us to give you more affordable options and to offer faster turnaround times.
If you need sign routing in Los Angeles, contact our friendly professionals today for a free quote.