Southern California Sign Blog

How Important and Effective Safety Signs Are and How They Matter

Posted by Julie and Chris Ramirez on Tue, Mar 13, 2012 @ 06:03 AM

How Important and Effective Safety Signs Are and How They Matter

Why Do Safety Signs Matter?

Safety signs, tags and warning labels are an essential feature to any plant or business, and comprise one of its most important assets. By not using proper effective safety and warning signs, you run a risk of danger that isn't worth the risk. 

Hints on Designing an Effective Warning Sign

To make your signs and labels as effective as possible, follow these hints.

1. Choose the Proper Header - The header helps get the sign noticed.

2. Choose the Right Material - Installation and ordering costs are often more than the sign itself. As a result, a durable sign always pays for itself with reduced labor.

3. Use Bilingual Warnings - Although the use of a symbol is strongly encouraged in order to better communicate hazard information across language barriers, more and more warnings themselves are now shown in two languages.

4. Learn about the New ANSI Standard - The new ANSI standard for safety signs emphasizes custom design. It suggests that you add an Action statement, consequences, a symbol, use mixed case and, in many situations, add emergency information.

If you have any further questions or if you need The Sign Studio to design and manufacture your signs, please give us a call at (818) 843-9200 or e-mail us at



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Topics: Safety Signs, Danger Signs, Warning Signs

Los Angeles Signs | Most Frequently Cited Violations by OSHA

Posted by Julie and Chris Ramirez on Fri, Jan 28, 2011 @ 07:01 AM

OSHA's Top Ten Most Frequently Cited Violations for Construction and Electrical Sign Contractors 

Safety Picture
Following are the 10 most frequently cited OSHA violations for construction and electrical sign contractors:

1. Scaffolding - Regulations require that "scaffolds shall be designed by a qualified person and shall be
constructed and loaded in accordance with that design."

2. Hazard Communication - Employers are required to provide employees with training and information
on hazardous chemicals in their work areas at the time of initial assignment or whenever the hazard is

3. Fall Protection Training - Employers are required to provide a training program for each employee who might be exposed to fall hazards.

4. Respiratory Protection - Employers are required to develop and implement a written respiratory
protection program with required worksite-specific procedures and elements for required respirator use.

5. Lockout/Tagout - Employers are required to establish a program and utilize procedures for affixing
appropriate lockout devices or tagout devices to energy isolating devices, and to otherwise disable
machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energizing, start up or release of stored energy in order to
prevent injury to employees.

6. Powered Industrial Trucks - Employers are required to ensure that each powered industrial truck
operator is competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful
completion of training.

7. Electrical: Wiring and Design Protection - Employers are required to use either ground fault circuit
interrupter equipment or an assured equipment grounding conductor program.

8. Machine Guarding - One or more methods of machine guarding are required in order to protect the
operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of
operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks.

9. Ladders - The law requires that ladders be inspected by a "competent" person for visible defects on a
periodic basis and after any occurrence that could affect their safe use. Portable ladders with structural
defects such as broken or missing rungs, cleats, or steps, broken or split rails, corroded components, or
other faulty or defective components, shall either be immediately marked in a manner that IDs them as
defective, or be tagged with "Do Not Use" or similar language, and shall be withdrawn from service until
repaired.10. Electrical Wiring Methods, Components and Equipment - Regulations require that "for temporary wiring over 600v, nominal fencing barriers or their effective means shall be provided to prevent access of other than authorized or qualified personnel. Electrical feeds shall originate in a distribution center. Branch circuits shall originate in a panel board or power outlet. Receptacles shall be of the grounded type and flexible cords shall be protected."

 Safety Construction and Electrical Signs Picture

The Sign Studio is proud to say that we have never been cited for any OSHA Violations. If you have any questions or need any safety signage, please feel free to call us at (818) 843-9200 or send us an e-mail at -

The Sign Studio - Electrical Sign Contractors -


Topics: OSHA Signs, Custom Signs, OSHA Safety Signs, Warning Signs