Everything You Need To Know About Signs – Voice On The Street
People are visual. When we see images, we see stories being told that hold more detail than novellas. That is why the old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words" will always hold true; it's also the reason signage is important for your organization's success. But what story is your sign telling? If you can't elocute a clear answer to this, then you should revisit everything you thought you liked about your signage. Your sign is what people see first; it is their first impression of your business; it is your voice on the street.
To ensure that you have good signage that creates the first impression that you desire, we will explain everything you need to know about signs.
Elements of a sign
The five basic elements of signs are medium, color, message, imagery, and size and placement:
If your sign cannot survive the conditions it is exposed to, then you will find yourself replacing it very soon. Also, any effects that you would like your sign to have are determined by what it is composed of (you can't make a neon sign out of stone).
It is for these reasons that you should think very carefully about the medium used to construct your signs.
Scientific research completed by psychologists and other human thought process experts has proven that most people react to different colors in very specific ways. Some colors soothe, some increase aggressiveness, some can even make a cool room feel warm--or vice versa). In short, colors send a message; your sign is not exempt from this power, so you should consider the colors that you choose carefully.
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Even though signs are pictures, they usually include words, phrases, and even short sentences. These words should work to quickly assert the sign's purpose and the benefits of your organization, or if your brand is strong enough, it should work to inform people that your business is near (if you aren't sure, then your brand is NOT strong enough).
As we said earlier, a picture is worth a thousand words. Even if it is mostly composed a words, your sign is a picture that is attempting to tell a story. The imagery of your sign is so powerful can even overshadow the message itself.
The pictures included, the placement of said pictures, the font of the words, and even the shape of the sign itself all need to be considered when crafting your sign. Make sure that the imagery is not just interesting. It should cater to those whom it will concern (ex: customers). Work with a graphic design team to determine what makes a good sign for you.
Size and placement
In order for the right people to be captivated by the wonderful imagery, colors and message included in your sign, they have to know that it exists. If your sign is huge and right in front of people's faces, they will not be able to see the whole picture, let alone receive the intended message; likewise, if it is too small, then people won't be able to see it clearly--or even notice it. If it is in the wrong place, then none of this matters, because they won't see it at all.
You need well designed AND placed signage for it to work.
Producing your signs
To ensure the quality of all of the sign elements, your signs should be produced by a professional sign maker who knows how to combine them.
To learn more about creating the best sign for your organization, contact The Sign Studio. They are a top sign producer in California. Please feel free to call (818) 843-9200 or send an e-mail to info@signstudiola.com